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The First Alert BRK SC9120BA Hardwired Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm uses an electrochemical CO sensing Specifications & Manuals We recommend model# SC9120BA which includes a battery back-up. The SC9120A and SC9120BA can be used as a replacement for the common builder's model COS2010 to be compatible with: First Alert® / BRK® Models SC9120BA, SC9120A, CO5120BNA,. SA520CNA, SC7010BA; BRK® Auxiliary Device Model RM4 (Relay. Module). Smart Interconnect can be interconnected to BRK Smoke Alarms. One interconnect wire carries both smoke and CO alarm signals. Single Button Test/Silence Thank you for choosing BRK Brands, Inc. for your Smoke Alarm needs. You have purchased a state-of-the-art Smoke Alarm designed to provide you with early warning Play the video below to hear to the standard chirping patterns of First Alert and BRK alarms. How do I stop the chirp? 1 Chirp (about 1x per minute): Low- View and Download BRK electronic First Alert SC9120BA user manual online. First Alert SC9120BA carbon monoxide alarm pdf manual download. Amazon's Choice for "brk first alert sc9120a" Installation Manual (PDF) 3am trying to hunt down which alarm is chirping and trying figuring out why.
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